Site Map
1-1 . Introduction
1-2 . Features and Objectives
1-3 . Programs
1-4 . Career Prospect
1-5 . Department Outlook
1-6 . Successive Department Heads
2 . Faculty
2-1 . Full-Time
2-2 . Part-Time
2-3 . Retired
2-4 . Administration Staff
3 . Labs
3-1 . Fundamental Laboratories
3-1-1 . Electrical Circuit Laboratory
3-1-2 . Microprocessors Laboratory
3-1-3 . Computer Aided Design Laboratory
3-1-4 . Multimedia Technique Laboratory
3-1-5 . Networks and Communications Laboratory
3-2 . Research-Oriented Laboratories
3-2-1 . Research Laboratory for SOC Design
3-2-2 . Research Laboratory for Embedded Systems
3-2-3 . Research Laboratory for Media Communication
3-2-4 . Research Laboratory for High Speed Networks
3-2-5 . Research Laboratory for Wireless Communication
3-2-6 . Research Laboratory for Integrated Circuit Design
3-2-7 . Research Laboratory for Fiber-Optic Communications
3-2-8 . Research Laboratory for Intelligent Information Retrieval
3-2-9 . Chamber of High Performance Computing & Network Utility
3-2-10 . Research Laboratory for IC Prototyping Design for Signal Processing
3-2-11 . Research Laboratory for Intelligent Signal and Information Processing
4 . International Collaboration
4-1 . Related silhouette
4-2 . International News
5 . Scholarship